23 february, 2022
After several unsuccessful attempts to post a live “blog”, I came to the realization that “live” is overrated and even unnecessary in this context – the “live” part mainly being the reader being able to post comments – all well and good – excepts from past experience, few legitimate readers do – just an endless barrage of spammers and would be hackers – so I will not give them that option and anyone with a an actual insightful comment or query can simply drop me an email – I promise I will respond! Unless, of course, you’re selling penis pills, trying to reach me about my unclaimed inheritance or alerting me to my suspended apple account or extended warranty that I do not have. So consider this my first post and I will try and have something a little more substantial to say next time!
2 march, 2022
Or not! The deeper I get into this “project” the more I want to add or revise – and many things just a matter of logistics – where exactly do all those images now live, and on which hard drive? Ah, it should all work out in the end! Of course, this also means I’m lagging a bit behind on a final mix of Poiesis. Happily, I was able to resume that tonight…
In other news, Side Street Gallery in Elgin is opening their Year 9 exhibit this Friday (March 4th) and I will have a brand new piece, “Eye Storm” on display (or for purchase should you desire such a thing). Further details are as follows:
Join us for our a Side Street Year 9 Anniversary Exhibition
Anniversary schedule:
6-10pm Opening Reception in Gallery and Theater, Live Paint in the Lab, open MADE hours
7pm Spanish and Flamenco Performance in the Gallery
7:15pm What To Do performance in Backspace
8:30pm Spanish and Flamenco Performance in the Gallery
9pm Audience Voting Closes
9:30pm Audience Vote and Judging Winners Announced
Gallery Hours:
Saturdays 12-6pm
Sundays 11am-3pm
or by appointment
GALLERY – 15 Ziegler Court, Elgin, IL 60120 847.429.2276
Side Street strongly encourages attendees to wear masks, but it is not required.
This exhibition is supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency and Elgin Public House.
Hope to see you there!

13 april, 2022
Yes, I’m back! And I am happy to report that I have now completed compiling and mixing the new album and nearly all the cover graphics and am now just waiting on a few “sonic tweaks”. The official release date will be the first of June (Bandcamp) and by which time I should have physical copies (they do make fine coasters!) available as well. Of course, in the mean time, I’ve nearly forgotten how to code – so bear with me as relearn how to set up this site!
31 may, 2022
Yea! The new release is upon us! Some time over the next few hours, Poiesis should at last be loosed upon the world. Digitally, at least. For those of you awaiting a physical CD, alas, you will have to wait a few more weeks, but the album is better for it! In the final days of production, I was able to utilize the generous services of Eric Snodgrass to give the project that little extra that makes this a more than worthy addition to the Pox family. Please forgive any typos or omissions on the Bandcamp site as we enter the birthing process! Enjoy!
(And of course, all of this has little bearing on how long it’s taking me to get this site up to its full potential… hey, I’m working on it!)
21 june, 2022
At last, Poiesis has had a successful birth and is now among the living – physical disc and all! Thanks to everyone who has sought it out – or at least listened so far – I hope it’s an enjoyable experience! For me, it’s on to The Philosophy Of Storms. How will that all turn out out? Who knows – least of all me!
17 august, 2022
I was trying to remember why I was hesitant to do a “blog”. Oh, yeah, because I suck at them! Well, updating them anyway. In the months since my last post, I will say that I have managed to update the site a fair amount – most, if not all of the links should now at least go somewhere – even if the content is a little limited at this point. Still a lot of tweaking ahead but getting there! Also since last time, I have posted one new video (more to come!) and re-posted a couple of old ones with corrected (no djedfre link) end credits (thanks Jef!). You can find them via the “youtube” link at the bottom of the page.
14 may, 2023
Ah yes, time flies! I wouldn’t say I’ve been lazy, just a bit unfocused fluctuating between multiple projects. I found some important documentation related to my early cassette projects – and now I just need to find the tapes themselves! And while progress on the new album was moving along at a decent clip, I suddenly found myself caught up in the world of ‘film’ – the result of which, an 11 minute short entitled “Killing Time” – I should be posting on my youtube channel shortly. I must say, I am quite pleased with how it turned out, with enormous thanks to all those involved! While I do plan on doing more film, at the moment I intend to return to the music side of things and continue work on “Storms”. Also, I have recently purchased some new fun instruments which will be making their debut appearance on that release!