DeSoto MO 21 August, 2017
Journey through the Past
Home for A Day
Leaving Union Station
Beautiful Summit
Dirteewendowstan or perhaps just Springfield!
St. Louis
Amber Sun
Little Rock Penitentiary… uh, I mean Union Station!
East Texas
Dallas, Reunion Tower
Dealey Plaza
Fort Worth
Austin, Texas
Heading Out
Conditions Not Looking that Promising!
Opportunity Knocks!
“Pass them Houses…”
Jerry on Pier.
The Boys Arrive
Sometimes Clouds are Your Friend!
Pinhole Effect, DeSoto 2017
A Shrouded Diamond Ring
Hill Country
Deluge Under Glass
One of our Frequent Stops
Arlington Event Hall, DeSoto MO 10 April, 2024
Old Man River
Fellow Traveler
Joliet Correctional Center – A Real Penitentiary! (closed – now a tourist destination)
Goodbye for Now!